As costs rise in almost every area, one fitness provider is freezing gym membership prices in Aberdeen to help the community stay active.
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Aberdeen Sports Village (ASV) is running a special offer from now until the end of September to help keep its health and fitness facilities as affordable as possible.
Angela Hill, Head of Marketing at ASV, said: “Our memberships increase annually on the 1st of August. But this year, with the cost of living crisis and everything from gas and electric to food going up, we’re freezing our membership price at £39.50 until the 30th September.
“For anyone that signs up in August and September, we will not increase their gym membership price for two full years.”
Otherwise, from the 1st of October, ASV gym membership prices will go up to £40.50 – and of course, will then be subject to further annual increases down the line.
Angela continues: “We don’t want our members to have to make sacrifices when it comes to their health and fitness membership, as we know how vital and beneficial it is to their overall wellbeing. It’s even more important during stressful times.
“Everything else around us might be going up, but, if you sign up at ASV before the 30th September we will hold that price so people can continue coming here to workout, relax and de-stress.”
ASV has committed to this special gym membership price offer because its team knows just how important working out is.
Lisa Vass, health and fitness team manager at ASV, explains: “There are so many benefits to fitness, not just in terms of the physical aspect. It’s also so great for your mental health and wellbeing. Plus, finding a way of keeping active that you enjoy can also do wonders for helping you to de-stress and relax.”
As well as keeping you active and motivated to work out, a gym membership is also a great way to socialise. Angela says: “There’s a real community feel here at ASV, there’s a chance to meet people and socialise. A lot of our members say that’s what they enjoy most.
“That’s really important to us. When everything gets stressful, our members know they can relax here. And now they can also count on their local fitness provider to hold membership prices.”
At ASV, the gym membership price of £39.50 will allow you to feel the benefits from a wide range of fitness facilities and services. That includes access to the gym, swimming pools, over 100 fitness classes, racquet sports as well as the relaxation suite, running track and supervised diving pool sessions.
You’ll also get a free personal training session, as well as discounts and free training programmes via the ASV app.
Find out more and sign up before the 30th September to secure your Aberdeen Sports Village fitness membership for £39.50.
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